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What's This India Business? 

Offshoring, Outsourcing and the Global Services Revolution published by Nicholas Brealey Publishing 2004. [purchase]

What's this India Business
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What our company can do for you

Our services:

  • Going Offshore – a workshop
  • Developing a Market Presence Offshore – a workshop
  • Country Selection
  • Fact-finding and Evaluation Visits
  • Creating the Business Plan and Business Case
  • Selecting Suppliers or Partners
  • Management of Procurement of Services and Resources
  • Provision of business processes offshore and IT development
  • Executive Search and Recruitment
  • Implementation and Transition
  • Developing the Business Offshore
  • Creating your Business Network Offshore

We take a three step approach: we analyse, we plan, we implement. Our services are all geared around these three stages.

Onshore Offshore Ltd's first role is to provide you with a straightforward and effective means of outsourcing your work offshore, removing risk, reducing your costs and giving you a return on your investment in the shortest time possible. We can also advise you on entering offshore markets, particularly in India, the Gulf and southern Africa, and then guide you every step of the way to create your effective presence in those markets.

We provide executive search as well as procurement expertise for all forms of IT offshoring as well as business process offshoring – dealing effectively and fairly with offshore and onshore companies. Our strong ethical stance enhances our clients’ ability to gain the best deal – balanc-ing low cost and high quality in the most appropriate ways.

If you are an offshore company looking to enter or to improve your effectiveness in western markets, we can take you through every step necessary, from creating your market presence through to making your sales and marketing much more effective.

In every case we can support you by providing the right management and staff for your project or new business, from creating your company structure through to defining each role, from identifying the most appropriate candidates to selecting just the right people to match your re-quirements and needs.

In addition, we can restructure your approach to the market and back it up with effective knowledge management, whether you want to penetrate a market on your own or in a partner-ship or a joint venture. We provide both the understanding of cultural fit in a new country and in a new relationship.

Where would you start?

When you first begin to consider any of the business opportunities we focus on, it is usually really difficult for companies to know where to start and how to start. For example even offshor-ing IT development is full of risks. How can you differentiate between the hundreds of Indian software companies that you might outsource to? Why would you choose to go to South Africa for business processing? What criteria should you use in identifying the most appropriate partners?

Onshore Offshore Ltd is dedicated to answering such questions to your satisfaction and your business's advantage - and our value proposition is based on delivering benefits to you and the fastest possible return on your investment in us and our services.

Even if you have already embarked on some forms of offshoring, we can help you avoid traps and guide you to a more effective answer.

We can even give you an indicative quotation for a self-contained project of whatever size to show you how low the costs are, how short delivery times are, and the other benefits you will gain from working with Onshore Offshore Ltd.

Offshore - a competitive necessity

If you haven't already taken advantage of moving work offshore, or have without realising the true benefits, come to us to provide the right service for you.

Why India for IT?

The natural home for all information technology solutions - from application development and maintenance to bespoke projects.

Business Process Outsourcing offshore - why India?

With its fast developing network of companies focused on IT enabled services, as India calls business process outsourcing, there are many reasons why India should be your first considera-tion. As a mature democracy, with a free press and the rule of law, the Indian business envi-ronment has many advantages – as well as English as the first language of business.

Business Process Outsourcing offshore - why South Africa?

South Africa offers many advantages when wanting to outsource business processing offshore. Knowing when to choose South Africa is a key consideration.

Why Onshore Offshore Ltd?

With our experience of working in India, the Gulf and South Africa, not just working with these countries, our unrivalled contacts among potential suppliers and partners, and our relationship with government departments, professional companies, commercial partners and other influen-tial bodies, we can give you the confidence to take work offshore or enter the market.

Ask for an indicative quotation

For an indicative quotation for a self-contained project - no matter how large or small - please use our quotation form >>

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